Monday 27 June 2011

School time!

T.T I'm back in school now, as my June holidays are over. Which means a little time on Sims. Sad.. But don't worry.. I'll try to create a sim and put it on exchange :)

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Entry 4 : Hottie Sims

Allen White ; Available In Exchange

Dave Brown ; Available In Exchange

                                                          Angelica Teal ; Coming Soon

The Brown Teen Couple 

The Will Couple

Jenny Sasaki ; Not Available

Entry 3 : The Garden House

Entry 2 : The Will Couple

Entry 1 : Hi, My ScreenShots of my Houses & Sims WIll be Posted Whenever there is a new one.

Hi. All of my screenshots will be posted here. Including Memories from my Sim. I've been playing Sims for 2 Years. You can Say I quite use to playing Sims. I am currently Schooling still, Means I dont have much time playing Sims. So I make use of my Holidays and just Create Sims putting it on exchange so I can share :)